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Updated: March 2023


Please follow our social media pages for our current updates.  



  • You no longer need to call us and wait in your car for your midwife to come and get you.  Symptom free? Come on in!

  • If you have symptoms, please call the clinic and we will determine whether an in person appointment is necessary or whether we can provide care virtually until you are feeling better.

  • We have moved to a mask-friendly environment at clinic. If you have symptoms, please continue to mask​



  • Masking is still required at CGMH

  • All birthing people will continue to be swabbed for COVID upon admission

    • Negative swab: birthing persons are allowed two support persons for their labour and birth, once admitted to CGMH.  The vaccination status of those persons will not be requested.

    • Positive swab: only one support person is permitted

  • Support people:

    • All support people who screen "green" (asymptomatic, no exposure) are permitted in the OR for c-sections (if clinically appropriate) 

      • ****disclosing vaccination status is no longer a prerequisite for support people in the OR****

    • If support person screens positive for suspected CV-19 they will not be permitted inside the hospital

    • Support people are asked to limit the number of times they go in and out of the hospital during the hospital stay.  Please bring a support person that is able to come and stay during the entire labour, birth and postpartum, if you can.  Drop offs of food and other items at the main hospital entrance are possible, as well as delivery of take out food.  You are also welcome to bring extra food and drink (in a cooler, for example). 


Thank you for your understanding and co-operation. Please contact the clinic if you have any questions. 






Update: April 23, 2021


Prioritization of pregnant people for vaccination in Ontario. Today, Ontario announced that as of April 23rd, 2021, all pregnant individuals will be eligible to register for vaccination appointments under the highest risk health conditions in the Phase 2 prioritization guidance. The information below is directly from the Ministry of Health: "Pregnant individuals are eligible to receive their vaccine through Public Health Unit(PHU) immunization clinics by booking an appointment through the provincial call centre at 1-888-999-6488.  Pregnant individuals who are in a PHU not using the provincial booking system will be directed to their local PHU to book an appointment. Pregnant individuals may choose to receive the vaccine at any time during their pregnancy. However, essential consideration should be made for those in the later stages of their pregnancy.


General page: 


Helpful Decision Tree: 


Another Article with Considerations: 


SOGC position statement: 

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